
Samuel Marsh

By November 27, 2019 February 24th, 2020 No Comments

Before starting with Sterling Management, I had a good practice. Today, thanks to Sterling, my staff and I have a great practice!

With the help of Sterling, we learned to become better managers and to confront problems immediately. We improved our communication skills. We put in place a program to attract more new patients. I learned how to better evaluate staff and as a result, the most recent person to join our 9 member team has been with us for 6 ½ years! We don’t have a “staff” because we are now a TEAM. The team runs the practice, sets policy, agrees on goals and provides the push to reach the goals.

The practice gross and net have more than tripled since implementing the Sterling management program. Additionally, we have decreased our patient days to just 14 per month! I truly believe that the Sterling method properly implemented would allow a person to manage a dental practice for a Fortune 500 company!

Every day I thank my friends at Sterling Management for giving us the tools that have allowed us to reach goals that we once only dreamed of attaining. I hope that you will consider allowing Sterling Management to help you reach the practice goals of your dreams.

Samuel J. Marsh, DDS