Practice Management Training

Sterling provides a unique combination of practice management training, consulting services and workshops designed to put you in control of your practice, reduce stress and increase profitability.

As no two practices are alike, the program and strategy will be unique to you, and the situations you are facing, but it will leverage proven management principles and best practices that will last you your entire career.

In fact, all of our courses and workshops come with a lifetime warranty—you, and any of your staff, may re-take any course or workshop as many times as you like, at no additional cost to you, to make sure you reap the benefits in your practice. *

In business for more than 35 years, Sterling has delivered more than 75,000 executive and management training courses to clients and their staff. Our consultants have delivered more than half a million hours of consulting, apprenticing and coaching on these very principles and best practices. And more than 160,000 professionals and their staff have attended our seminars and workshops. The result? Our clients have seen their net profit rise to unprecedented levels, accompanied by a drop in both stress and hours in the office.

Sterling Practice Management Services Course Room in Glendale, CA

Why do I need Practice Management training?

In order to be successful at any job or endeavor, you have to be familiar with, understand the know-how of the job and be able to apply and get results with what you know.

You have already done this in learning the technical skills of your practice. When a client or patient comes to you with a particular issue, you size up the situation quickly and accurately and start on the correct course of action. You have confidence in your ability to apply the technology of your profession.

But how about the administration and running of your practice or company? Just as there is a technology for your profession, there is also a technology for the skilled running of your practice. When you don’t know and use it, you end up with: a lack of new patients or clients, problems with your staff and working 24/7 at your practice with little results to show (to name a few). On the other hand, learning and applying that technology results in a smooth-running practice, and a lot less stress for you.

At Sterling, we train you in the administrative basics of how to run a successful practice – sound management principles and techniques, based on discovered natural laws of managing groups. Our management consultants – the best in the world – then directly work with you to ensure you gain the full familiarity of how to apply those principles to your practice and then apply them to expand your practice. Their total objective is to empower you to create a prosperous successful practice.


Contact us to speak to one of our expert consultants or call us at:



Sterling’s Essentials of Practice Management (EPM) Program, based on proven management principles, addresses the specific issues that can hinder a practice from growing and operating smoothly. This program is built on decades of on-the-ground implementation from top consultants, and creates the foundation every practice needs to succeed.

In-Depth Business Analysis

The EPM Program starts with extensive data-gathering. Expertly trained Sterling staff gather key information regarding your practice through questionnaires, testing and performance statistics. We also ask about your goals and objectives for the practice along with the issues you feel are blocking its success.

After careful study of all the information gathered, your Senior Consultant performs an in-depth practice analysis to isolate issues that need to be addressed and their underlying causes.

Your Senior Consultant then puts together a series of simple, step-by-step programs to address these issues. When you arrive at Sterling to start the EPM Program, your Senior Consultant first meets with you to review the practice analysis and the suggested strategy.

Management Training

An essential component of your EPM Program is a line-up of practice management courses to fully address the issues in your practice. These courses are delivered in the Sterling Academy under the careful supervision of our trained instructors. Each course consists of both theory and practical exercises which show how to apply the information in a real-world environment. You move at your own pace, really understanding the material.

Sterling Practice Management Services Course Packs

Improving Business Through Communication Course

Communication forms the cornerstone of all professional and personal relationships. As a business professional, you know this already.

In communicating, we are dealing with the most wildly variable factor in business and in life—people. It’s easy enough to get along with agreeable people, but not all people are agreeable. Some push our “buttons” and make us angry, resentful, irritated or uncertain; they can make us react even though we know we shouldn’t. Others may bore us to tears. And others may cause us to lose control of the conversation and waste our time which wastes our money.

Believe it or not, all of the above points have everything to do with one’s ability to communicate! The success level of an individual is their communication level.

The Improving Business Through Communication Course isolates and addresses the obstacles to comfortable and effective communication. The Course contains breakthrough discoveries on the fundamental laws of communication which are presented with clarity and simplicity. A lineup of practical exercises builds your confidence in dealing with others in different emotional tone levels and in different scenarios.

“I am now extremely confident in controlling the outcome, or directing the outcome, of a conversation with my children, staff or patients.”
-S.P., DDS

“This course opened my mind to new ideas on communication with my family, with my co-workers and with friends and clients. Controlling my focus and having the skills to close an appointment will help me tremendously.”
-S.S., Office Manager

Overcoming the Stresses of Work and Life Course

Have you ever wondered how to pick the right people? How to tell the “good” people from the “bad”?

Here’s a fact known for thousands of years: Your success and happiness are intimately connected with the people you choose to have around you. Some of the things you will learn in this course…

  • How to quickly and accurately spot the people who truly want to build things up. If you made it a rule to only have these types of people in your life, you’d be amazed at how comfortable and enjoyable things can be.
  • Why certain people try to nullify others with covert criticisms given as “friendly help,” and why you need to steer clear of them at all costs.
  • The real reason you feel stressed out in any area of your life, and exactly how to pinpoint and eliminate the source of the stress so you never have to deal with it again.
  • How to know if you have destructive people in your organization covertly causing problems for everyone, and how to spot them.

This course will give you the tools to be in control of your life and business and escape the “roller coaster” of doing well and doing poorly without understanding why.

“This course has given me the initial tools to be more cause in locating and handling things that would limit my growth as a business owner and person. I feel more confident in being able to locate and stay in control of things that would stress me before.”
-D.G., DDS

“I have learned it is important to be ‘at cause’ in my life instead of being the ‘effect’ of the actions of others. I think this is an important first step in reducing stresses in my life and increasing my happiness.”
-D.N., CPA

Winning in the Game of Life and Work Course

This course encompasses the necessary tools to manage staff productively and use management by statistics as a standard operation in your business, so you are in control of the business.

The course covers:

  • Business Integrity: What causes some people to burn out and withdraw from their teammates and their work? Why do some staff members seem to lose self-esteem and integrity? This course restores the ability to stand up for what one knows to be true and resolve those factors which deprive a person of happiness.
  • Formulas: Learn how to maintain and strengthen the positive areas in a business or pull yourself out of any undesirable business condition to rise to a new level of growth. Whether badly failing or flourishing, any operating state can be improved if the exact procedures are applied. Discover and master them on this course.
  • Management by Statistics: Gain control of your office by learning how to manage by statistics. You will learn how to interpret graphs, predict (and prevent) slumps before they occur, and maintain uptrends. You’ll also learn how to analyze which areas need intervention. In short, here’s how to control productivity in the present and into the future.
  • Ethics for Business: By “ethics” we mean increasing quality of life. This course enables you to apply these principles for yourself, staff and your business.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating these lessons. I had been failing at expanding, and now completing all of these lessons, I have certainty that I now have the technology for expansion; I understand it and can apply it. Conditions are changing rapidly in my life….”

“These lessons are pure gold! I feel myself getting more and more stable and exterior about my life and handling it and ALL aspects of it – including things that have plagued me for years! Thank you, thank you, thank you! THIS WAS THE BEST, MOST EFFECTIVE, CONCENTRATED ACTION I’VE EVER UNDERTAKEN FOR CHANGING MY LIFE AND ABILITIES FOR THE FUTURE!”

Executive Basics Course

Distilled down to the key executive skills, this course covers what constitutes a good executive; how to name, want and get your products, the qualities of leadership and efficiency as well as other fundamentals.

“This course gave me defining moments – where I realized what I was doing wrong as the executive, and the knowledge to go back and implement, take responsibility and organize my team so they can do the work for me!” – S.W., DDS

“Executive Basics was an eye-opener to me. The main thing I learned is that I need to get people to get the jobs done. To be a good leader, I need to practice and apply the qualities of a good leader and executive to my Veterinary practice. By doing this, I can eliminate stress and burn-out in my life.”
-S.M., DVM


Contact us to sign up for the Essentials of Practice Management Program or call us at:



Sterling consultants are the best in the world. Each is a highly trained management specialist with years of experience and outstanding results.
Your EPM Program includes one-on-one consulting with a Sterling Senior Consultant. During your time at Sterling, your consultant will regularly meet with you to work with you on improving your business. The successful execution of these programs and the resulting growth of your business are your consultant’s top priority.

When you return to your office, your consultant continues to work with you to ensure smooth implementation of the management tools you have acquired. Regularly scheduled phone consultations keep you and your business on track and headed to the next level and beyond.

Sterling Practice Management Services with Senior Consultant Chase Wilson

“My consultant has enough experience that no matter what I’ve thrown at her, she has seen it before. She already has a solution that works. We don’t have to keep reinventing new ideas. My practice has grown far beyond what I would have guessed when I got out of dental school. More importantly, I have confidence that I can handle life and human interactions. I think all businesses should have this service.”
-J.F., DDS

“I value the no-nonsense, pragmatic, honest, non-politically-correct advice I receive. Also, my consultant is wise, experienced and sincerely concerned about my success. Our successes are: higher revenues; higher profits; I am more relaxed in my business (and personal) life; tremendous education about running a business, managing people and managing myself.”
-D.W., CPA

Sterling Practice Management Workshop in Glendale, CA


Throughout the year, Sterling sends its team of management experts to conduct weekend workshops at locations across the country. As part of your EPM Program, you are granted free admission for you, your spouse and all of your staff to any Sterling workshop anywhere in the country.

These workshops are very enlightening, easy to understand and applicable to the real world. We use only sound principles on the subjects addressed and speakers who have “been there, done that.” These workshops are a vital part of your EPM Program as they get everyone on the same page and keep everyone fired up. Each workshop includes a selection of key topics such as:

  • How to Deliver Top-Notch Customer Service
  • How to Boost Your Efficiency to New Levels
  • How to Consistently Get Staff to Work at Their Best
  • How to Bring More Business into the Practice
  • How to Correctly Prioritize Your Tasks
  • How to Successfully Manage Your Time
  • How to Raise Responsibility in Your Staff
  • How to Propel Staff and Excel Their Performance
  • How to Improve Communication in the Workplace
  • How to Work Faster, Smarter and More Efficiently
  • How to Ensure Your Staff Understands Their Duties
  • How to Systematically Grow Your Practice

“I love coming to Sterling workshops because of the energy. It’s so uplifting to be surrounded by other high-toned people. I always go back home feeling like a superhero.”
-N.M.C., DDS

“I have been to two weekend workshops now, and I have come back from both inspired and motivated, and with a notebook full of ideas to implement in my practice.”
-A.K., DDS


Sterling’s executive and staff training courses, seminars and workshops now carry a lifetime warranty. This lifetime warranty is retroactive and is valid for any client since the inception of Sterling in 1983.

Any course that Sterling offers, that has been taken by a client or client’s staff, may be retaken by the client or staff, at any time, at no charge to the client. This includes any and all special workshops and seminars.

Excluded from this warranty is the cost of any course materials, transportation or flights to and from Sterling or workshop location, accommodations/hotel rooms and/or meals.

This warranty is valid for the life of a client and is not transferable, and is not transferable from one client’s staff member to another. The staff member who was originally trained may be retrained at no additional cost for the course(s).

Definition of a client: Anyone who has paid for and taken or received any workshop, course or seminar which Sterling offers.

All Sterling courses as outlined in our promotion carry this lifetime warranty.