Practice Management Tips

Delegation Could Be Your Practice’s Best Friend

By January 16, 2020 March 10th, 2020 No Comments
Sterling Practice Management Accounting Firm Learn to Delegate

In this article from our CPA practice management forum, we cover the vital skill of being able to delegate effectively to your staff. This skill is a crucial component that makes possible a stress-free, profitable practice.

Good managers should not have to micromanage. Delegation is vital to establish purposes and clear roles within a company. As a practice owner and manager, hiring the right team enables you to free up your time for other tasks that require your attention. This means at work and at home. Sterling Practice Management helps businesses find and train employees they can trust to get the work done correctly. You can then take comfort knowing the details are being handled so you can focus on the big picture.

CPA Practice Owner Learns to Delegate and Cultivates Sense of Calm in the Office

Steve Callan, part-owner of Callan Accounting Services, CPA, LLC, came to us some years ago with concerns about how to deal with clients and staff. Sterling helped Steve put his company in order and identify systems that worked for his firm.  Steve was left feeling overworked due to spending too many hours on tasks that could have been handed off to his staff. He subsequently became stressed-out with his company’s lack of performance.

After experiencing Sterling’s training, Steve gained the tools he needed in order to organize his business and implement actions to expand. This, in turn, cultivated a sense of calm in the office while increasing his bottom line. When managers no longer feel responsible for every little task, it allows them to refocus their work efforts. Steve’s newfound ability to delegate, changed his work life and granted him more time to spend with friends and family.

You too can Learn to Effectively Delegate

Accomplishing goals for your practice means letting others lend a hand. Sterling is a great option for owners and managers who are willing to think differently. Learn how Sterling can help you to delegate without skimping on quality by taking our free online practice analysis.