
Aime Broyles

By November 19, 2019 February 24th, 2020 No Comments

Having completed a dental school course of study, I had attained most of the skills necessary to provide dental services to my patients. But I had trouble communicating with my patients and getting them to see the value of the services I could provide them.

Luckily, I had become an associate in a practice that utilized a management training system. I completed some basic courses that taught me about communication and changed my whole view on the definition of “sales.”

None of us get into dentistry to become salespeople. But truly handling patients on why they need services and really caring enough about them to get them to see the value in those services is sales and a necessary part of our practice.

Since starting my training with Sterling in 1997, I have greatly increased my ability to communicate with and service my patients and have seen a dramatic increase in my production.

After several years as an associate, I became a 50/50 partner in the practice. I was immediately faced with the daunting task of business management. Since my dental school education consisted of only ONE practice management class, I was terrified at the prospect of financial and executive responsibility. This time I knew right where to go to get the training I need – Sterling.

With Sterling’s practice owner training, I now know that we can continue to grow and build our practice and reap the rewards of a fruitful business now and in the future.

Sterling helped me handle my difficulties and allowed me to increase and improve my practice. They gave me the tools and training I needed to succeed.

Aime Broyles, DDS