We Boosted Our Gross Revenue by More than 30%

By September 23, 2016 February 24th, 2020 No Comments

After 25 years as a CPA, the work had finally worn me down. I was burned out. When the stress and anxiety earned me a trip to the hospital during the 2006 tax season, I knew I couldn’t go on this way.

Three days after the end of that tax season I got an email from Sterling. Their practice management concepts sounded interesting, so I sent in for their complimentary DVD. As I watched it with my partner, we could both see how the Sterling program addressed our major concerns—too much work, too much stress and not enough bottom line. We decided to give it a shot.

Doing the program was completely eye-opening. We thought our office was organized. It wasn’t. We thought it was efficient. It wasn’t. But the biggest thing we got out of the program was how to improve our client base, so we have good clients who pay well and are pleasant to work with.

Following Sterling’s advice, we boosted our gross revenue by more than thirty percent in little more than a year, without adding any more staff. This past tax season we had our best gross billings ever.

Although we did more returns than ever before, because we are now well organized and efficient, there was no stress and we weren’t taking the work problems home with us at night.

There is no reason to be perpetually unhappy. There are formulas that can resolve business problems and even problems in life as these all, ultimately, interrelate.

Now that the office is an organized, pleasant place to work, I no longer dread coming into the office in the morning. Since I’m not crabby when I get home, my relationship with my daughter is so much better. Our practice is continuing to evolve, and I expect to achieve even higher affluences.

Now if any of this hits home for you, I invite you to request their free DVD by clicking here.

Robert Yost, CPA