This course encompasses the necessary tools to manage staff productively and use management by statistics as a standard operation in your business, so you are in control of the business.
The course covers:
- Business Integrity: What causes some people to burn out and withdraw from their teammates and their work? Why do some staff members seem to lose self-esteem and integrity? This course restores the ability to stand up for what one knows to be true and resolve those factors which deprive a person of happiness.
- Formulas: Learn how to maintain and strengthen the positive areas in a business or pull yourself out of any undesirable business condition to rise to a new level of growth. Whether badly failing or flourishing, any operating state can be improved if the exact procedures are applied. Discover and master them on this course.
- Management by Statistics: Gain control of your office by learning how to manage by statistics. You will learn how to interpret graphs, predict (and prevent) slumps before they occur, and maintain uptrends. You’ll also learn how to analyze which areas need intervention. In short, here’s how to control productivity in the present and into the future.
- Ethics for Business: By “ethics” we mean increasing quality of life. This course enables you to apply these principles for yourself, staff and your business.